
We parse website content to find patterns and artifacts left behind by software. Our algorithms are regularly revised and checked to make sure our results are accurate and up-to-date.
Millions. Our database contains over 13 million of the most popular websites on the web.
Detection speeds do vary depending on the site being checked. The main factor we can't get around is how fast a webpage is served. If a website is slow, our servers have to wait for their content to load just like everyone else.
If we've recently checked a webpage, our system will return the cached results instead of re-fetching the url. We do this for a couple of reasons. First, it's imperative that our system use respectful crawling practices and never be involved with abusive traffic. Second, it's extremely rare for site software to change during the time period that results are cached.
It depends. When deciding whether to use a cached result or re-fetch a rule, our system looks at a number of factors including how often a site is being checked and how recently other pages on the site have new results.

API Subscriptions

No. If you puchased a plan in the middle of the month and canceled a few days later, your account will remain active till the middle of the following month.
Sign up for the desired plan, then cancel your account. Your account will remain active till the end of the purchased term.
Yes. You can upgrade at any time and downgrade as long as you haven't already exceeded the limits of the plan you'd like to downgrade to.


Reports include hostnames, web technologies, hosting provider, WordPress theme, language.
Yes. Report data is downloadable in Excel, CSV and Open Document formats.
Much like search engines (Google, Bing), our servers are constantly crawling websites to check, update and organize our data.
Within seconds. Purchase transactions are processed and access is provisioned immediately.


Sorry, we only accept credit card payments through our online payment interface.

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Dedicated Content Management System Detection